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• Five times more changes are calculated from transects (0.5 ha minimum mapping unit) then windows (25 ha minimum mapping unit).

• The main land cover changes observed are different between biogeograpical regions.

• Changes occur in opposite directions: e.g. semi-natural areas are converted to arable in some areas whilst arable is converting back to semi-natural in other areas.

• Most changes are visible at Corine Land Cover class level 2.


Preliminary results

Main land cover changes observed from windows and transects

Main Pressures observed from windows and transects

Results window by window

Results transect by transect

Corine Land Cover-level 3 classes


Examples of how outputs were produced:

CORINE 1990 window backdating near Brussels (Belgium)

Transect photo-to-photo interpretation near Barcelona (Spain)

(When using other web browsers than Microsoft Internet Explorer, files should be downloaded before opening)


Final meeting - main conclusions

Linking land cover change to pressures on biodiversity (introduction)

Linking land cover change to pressures on biodiversity (summary)

Key findings: Biodiversity

Key findings: Land cover changes

Key findings: Pressures

Recommendations for future monitoring


Unexpected Outputs



