Land analysis

Shaded Relief Map

Overlaying a thematic map (Land Cover Map) over a shaded relief map


This section shows how to overlay thematic layers over shaded releif maps so as to make maps which give us a sort of a 3D vision of the thematic layer as it distributes over the territory. Even though this is not an exercise in territorial analysis per se and what we obtain is a final product in terms of a map with high quality visual effects, territorial analysis techniques are used to obtain it. We will use the Land Cover Map of Catalonia, elaborated by CREAF (see page)

The idea is to obtain a map with a 3D effect that contains information on spatial distribution of the land's cover. With the correct GIS tools we can do these kinds of operations. The end result is a very attractive, graphically powerful map showing the distribution of land cover over the relief. The map contains not only information on spatial distribution of these uses, but also their orographic position.


To make a shaded relief map with the Land Cover Map, the following information layers must be available:

Using the digital illumination and shade models we can apply a process to the land cover map whereby each color of the palette is modified in intensity in order to make it look like a pattern in relief. For example, the areas of shaded evergreen oak forests are displayed in a deeper (darker) green than an evergreen oak forest in an area with sunlight (light green). This is what makes it look like as it were in relief. We could say that we incorporate relief information into the coverage map.


Using the previous data, the shading process is applied to the land cover map by means of a specific GIS MiraMon application. The results are shown in the following figure:

Open this shaded relief map using MiraMon.